

Shanghai Simgui Technology Co., Ltd.
Add: 200 Xinlai Road, Jiading District                      Shanghai 201815, PRC
el: +86-21-6952 2599
Fax:+86-21-6952 2221

Simgui adopts four processes: SIMOX, BONDING, SIMBOND, and SSS, and uses advanced equipment to prepare SOI materials to ensure that wafers can meet international semiconductor standards and meet the requirements of mainstream IC production lines in the world today. Relying on strong and continuous technical support, integrating the good cost-effectiveness of domestically produced substrates and the advantages of strong and flexible processing capabilities, we provide professional epitaxial services to customers.
Address: 200 Xinlai Road, Jiading District Shanghai 201815, PRC Tel: +86-21-6952 2599 Fax: +86-21-6952 2221
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